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Internal Quality Assurance Cell


Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) – 2024-2025

CompositionNature of SelectionName of members
ChairpersonPrincipalDr. Veena V.
Teachers to represent all level (Three to eight, the senior among them will be the coordinator/director)

IQAC Coordinator and joint coordinators nominated by the management
KTU coordinator
IAC Convenor
NAAC Coordinator
DQAC Coordinators

Members of DQAC are nominated by the HOD.

Among two members one is IQAC representative who serves as DQAC coordinator and the other member is the member of Internal Audit Cell (IAC)

Prof. Paul Ansel V, VP, Admn. (AISHE Nodal Officer)
Prof. Kanaka Xavier, VP, Academics & NAAC Coordinator
Prof. Anu Antony, Coordinator
Prof. Thomas Felix, Joint Coordinator, ISO MR
Prof. Vilbin Varghese, Joint Coordinator

Prof. Aswathy Chacko, NAAC Joint Coordinator
Prof. Asha K. R., KTU coordinator
Prof. Sheeja M. K, IAC Convenor
Prof. SreelekshmiC.S,DQAC Coordinator (CE)
Prof. Divya Mohan, DQAC Coordinator (CSE)
Prof. Sonu K Varghese, DQAC Coordinator (ECE)
Prof. Avinesh Pyarilal, DQAC Coordinator (ME)
Prof. Deepu John, DQAC Coordinator (EEE)
Prof. Rose Paul, DQAC coordinator (ASH)

One member from the ManagementAssistant ManagerRev. Fr. Manoj Francis Marottickal
Administrative Officer Mr. Leonard John C.
Nominee from local societyNominated by the managementTo be nominated
Nominee from Alumni Mr. Jess Boban
Nominee from Professional body Dr. Anil Joseph, Secretary , IGS – Kochi Chapter & Managing Director Geo Structurals Pvt. Ltd., Kochi
Nominee from Industry Mr. Jacob Rajan, Director ,Scaleios Pvt. Ltd., Kochi
Nominee from ParentsPTA PresidentMr. Thomas Dominic
Nominee from StudentsCollege Union ChairpersonMr. Swalih Zamnoon, S7CSE


IQAC Executive Committee

CompositionName of members
IQAC CoordinatorProf. Anu Antony
IQAC Joint coordinatorsProf. Thomas Felix
Prof. Vilbin Varghese
NIRF CoordinatorProf. Vilbin Varghese
ISO MRProf. Thomas Felix
Internal Audit Cell ConvenorProf. Sheeja M. K

NAAC Coordinator

NAAC Joint Coordinator

Prof. Kanaka Xavier

Prof. Aswathy Chacko

APJAKTU coordinatorProf. Asha K. R.
DQAC CoordinatorsProf. Sreelekshmi C.S (CE)
Prof. Divya Mohan (CSE)
Prof. Sonu K. Varghese (ECE)
Prof. Avinesh Pyarilal (ME)
Prof. Deepu John (EEE)
Prof. Rose Paul (ASH)

Internal Audit Cell 


Name of members


Prof. Anu Antony (ECE)


Prof. Sheeja M K (CE)


Prof. Dhanya George P (ASH)


Prof. Liji Anna Mathew (CE)

Prof. Nisy John Panicker (CSE)

Prof. Tubin T X (ECE)

Prof. Annie Bincy (EEE)

Prof. JVC Maliackal (ME)

About NBA Accreditation

The National Board of Accreditation (NBA), India was initially established by the AICTE (All India Council of Technical Education) in order to assess the qualitative competence of the programs offered by educational institution.  NBA came into existence as an independent autonomous body with effect from 7th January 2010 with the objectives of assurance of quality and relevance to technical education, especially of the programs in professional and technical disciplines, through the mechanism of accreditation of programs offered by technical institutions. The NBA conducts evaluation of programs of technical institutes on the basis of laid down norms. This may include, but not limited to institutional missions and objectives, organization and governance, infrastructure facilities, quality of teaching and learning, curriculum design and review and support services (library, laboratory, instrumentation, computer facilities, etc.)

Accredited Programs at AISAT

About NIRF


National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) is a ranking methodology adopted by the Ministry of Education, Government of India, to rank institutions of higher education in India. The framework was approved by the former Ministry of Human Resource Development (now the Ministry of Education) and launched by the Minister on 29 September 2015.

Submitted Institute Data for NIRF

Quality Initiatives and Policies

Quality Manual and Procedures

(For internal circulation only)