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Statutory Bodies

Regulating the AISAT's Policies and Practices

“Established by law or regulations, ensure governance, compliance, and adherence to educational standards..


Albertian Institute of Science and Technology, Kalamassery has formed the essential and mandatory Statutory and Functional committees which play a pivotal role in effective governance, decision-making and the smooth functioning of the academic and administrative activities in the campus. There are 24 statutory committees and 27 functional committees established to facilitate the efficient operation of the institution. There are 28 club activities initiated in the campus. For details of committees for the academic years, click below.

Statutory and Functional Committees AY 2023-2024

Statutory and Functional Committees AY 2024-2025

AISAT Alumni Association

AISAT Alumni Association (AAA) initiated in June 2016 is a non-profit independent society formed for alumni of Albertian Institute of Science & Technology which aims to provide a platform through which the alumni, staff, faculty, and students of AISAT can interact with each other for mutual benefit. AAA facilitates and inspires alumni to contribute towards improvements in the status of AISAT in academics, infrastructure, and industry interactions.

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Anti Ragging Committee

Anti-Ragging Committee is an entity made to prevent and respond to the ragging occurrences within the College/University. The committee is based on the motto of providing students with a very safe and congenial learning space through strict anti-ragging policies and action in reported cases of ragging. The committee has clear objectives, roles and responsibilitis and well defined modus of operandi…

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Grievance Redressal Committee

Grievance Redressal Committee at AISAT has been reconstituted as per the AICTE notification, with the objective of resolving the grievances of students, parents and others. The committee comprises of following members. The Students’ Grievance cell has been formed in order to keep a healthy working atmosphere among the students and staff. This cell looks into the complaints related to academics, resources and also personal grievances lodged by the students and tries to find solutions. Grievance boxes are placed in prominent places and periodically checked. Grievances may also be sent through e-mail to the officer in-charge of the Students’ Grievance Cell or to the Principal.

Internal Committee

Internal Committee (IC) envisaged to protect the privileges of women and curb any sexual harassments occurring against them. With a mindfulness being made by the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, ICC will address any such offense or complaints with strict corrective activities which will be at standard with those issued in the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition And Redressal) Act, 2013 distributed in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, PART II-Section 1 under the Legislative Department of Ministry of Law and Justice. Remembering these standards, it is imperative to guarantee a hierarchical atmosphere that is free from separation with a specific spotlight on inappropriate behavior.

ICC Details click here… 

Socio Economically Disadvantaged Groups Cell

SEDG Cell has been established to ensure that students belonging to Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Groups (SEDGs) have a safe and secure environment and equitable access to quality education in the Higher Educational Institutions (HEIS), as specified in the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 of GOI. Accessibility of quality education to all has been a major challenge in countries all over the world. In India, there are several disadvantaged groups, such as women, minorities, SCs and STs, OBCs, PwDs, EWSs, who lag behind others in the field of education. Taking all together in the development of the nation is the prime goal of the Government of India. Accordingly, the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 emphasizes the need to address the issues of students belonging to Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Groups (SEDGs).

                                                                                                                          SEDG Details click here

Equal Opportunity Cell

The Equal Opportunity Cell has been set up in the institution to address the issues of Gender, Religious and Community equality.The basic aim of the Equal Opportunity Cell is to ensure that students and faculty belonging to various diverse backgrounds of community, religion, region, gender or ability are not deprived of their basic opportunities It is aimed at creating a conducive atmosphere for the growth of healthy inter-personal relations among the students coming from various social backgrounds. They all must have access to all the basic rights to promote inclusivity and harmony. Through this cell several activities are organized to promote inclusive policies and practices for all and to look into the grievances to ensure equality and equal opportunities to the disadvantaged group on campus through proper implementation of policies, skills, and programs of society.

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Internal Quality Assurance Cell

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) works towards realization of the goals of the quality enhancement process of the institution and its sustenance. The motto of IQAC is to achieve quality in academic and administrative activities of the Institution through continuous improvement with cooperation of all stakeholders of Albertian Institute of Science and Technology (AISAT).

IQAC monitors the quality aspects of academic and administrative activities of the institution to internalize a quality culture in the institution through Quality Management System (QMS) adopted by the institution and based on guidelines from the affiliated university. IQAC is constituted in AISAT under the Chairmanship of the Head of the institution with heads of important academic and administrative units along with a few selected faculty members, distinguished academicians and representatives of local management and stakeholders.

Department Quality Assurance Cell

Department Quality Assurance cell is constituted in every department to internalize a quality culture in the department in line with IQAC. Members of the DQAC are nominated by the HOD. Among the members one is IQAC representative, who serves as DQAC co-ordinator as well as program co-ordinator and the other member is the member of Internal Audit cell.

Examination Cell

The Examinations Cell at AISAT is responsible for administering all examinations as per the curriculum of APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (KTU). This includes both internal assessments and end-semester examinations. The cell is organized with a team of faculty members and non-teaching staff from various departments. Their operations are overseen by the Principal, who acts as the Chief Superintendent, and the Controller of Examinations at AISAT. 

SC & ST, Minority, OBC Committee

The Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) , minority, OBC committee in an institute promotes the special interests of students in the reserved category. It is mainly to provide special inputs in areas where the students experience difficulties. The Cell also is expected to organize interactive sessions and informal meetings with students to attend to their personal, social, and academic problems.

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Counselling Cell

Counselling is a process that aims to facilitate personal well being of the students through support and guidance of trained counselors, for a healthy mind and body. The Counselling Cell encourages the students to understand themselves and the issues that trouble them and guides them to resolve their problems. These problems can be personal, emotional, social, family, peer, academic, sexual, etc. This is done through individual or group counselling to help them with academic goals, social and personality development, career goals, enhancing listening skills, empathy and interpersonal skills to have healthy relationships and a healthy lifestyle

Internal Audit Cell

Main purpose of the Internal Audit Cell (IAC) is for the smooth and effective auditing of the quality procedures of the Institution. IAC will support IQAC (Internal Quality Assurance Cell) in implementing the guidelines and rules issued for building a professional and organized quality culture. IAC focuses on Ensuring compliance with established Quality Procedure Manual by examining course records, operating practices and documentation, academic audit as per the schedule provided in the academic calendar, periodic audit of LINWAYS records, administrative audit  maintenance and updation of Quality Procedure Manual through audits.

Student Welfare and  Discipline Committee 

The Student Welfare and Discipline Sub-committee endeavours to support the students’ educational process and aid them in enhancing their academic as well as personal abilities. The objective of this committee is implementation of strategies designed to promote and encourage good student behaviour. It reviews the Institution’s rules for student behaviour and prescribes practices in relation to maintaining discipline within the college premises.

Sports Council

Sports Council promotes sportsmanship among students also develop interest in a particular sport or physical activity.  Sports council focuses on recreational, instructional, competitive, or a combination of these types of activities based on its constitution.

Women Empowerment Cell

Albertian Institute of Science & Technology, Kalamassery has established Women Empowerment Cell in the college with a motto of “Marching to self empowerment” to empower and defend the rights and duties of female members; faculty, staff and students of the college. The WEC attempts to advance orientation responsiveness to promote gender sensitivity in the college and conduct diverse programmes to educate, sensitize both male and female members and produce a harmonious atmosphere on the campus. It aims for the intellectual and social upliftment of the female students and faculty towards preparing them as competent professionals to take up greater challenges in the scholarly circle.

WEC Details click here…

Consultancy Committee

The consultancy committee at AISAT, serves as a hub connecting faculty and students with the industry. Its aim is to create an environment where each department can offer professional engineering consultancy services to industries and individuals. The committee also involves students in departmental consultancy activities, bridging academic learning with real-world applications. By providing industry-related consultancy services, the consultancy committee empowers both faculty and students to gain practical expertise in their fields.

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Institutional Risk Management Committee

Institutional Risk Management Committee (IRMC) has been formulated in our campus to underscore our ongoing commitment to proactively identify, assess and mitigate risks that may impact our operations, reputation, and overall well-being. The primary objective of the IRMC is to enhance our institution’s resilience and preparedness in the face of various internal and external challenges. By fostering a culture of risk awareness and strategic decision-making, the committee will play a pivotal role in safeguarding our assets, promoting compliance with regulatory requirements, and preserving our institutional values and integrity.

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Career Guidance Cell

The career guidance cell at AISAT stands as a pillar of support and guidance for students as they embark on their professional paths. Through personalized interactions, workshops, and seminars, it equips students with the skills, knowledge, and confidence necessary to navigate the complexities of the job market. From assisting with higher studies to nurturing entrepreneurial aspirations and fostering inclusivity, the cell is dedicated to empowering every student, irrespective of their background or aspirations. It ensures that students are well-prepared to embark on meaningful and fulfilling careers upon graduation.

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Extra Curricular Committee / Cultural Committee

The AISAT Cultural Committee is a vibrant and dynamic committee dedicated to encouraging students’ creativity and cultural understanding. It offers a variety of events and activities, including performing arts, art exhibitions, and cultural festivals, to allow students to express their talents. The committee contributes significantly to the campus environment and feeling of community by celebrating diversity and encouraging inclusivity.

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Medical Care Committee

The Medical Care Committee at Albertian Institute of Science & Technology is committed to safeguarding the health and welfare of the student population. Its primary objective is to deliver convenient and efficient medical services to students.The Committee comprises individuals from the college administration, healthcare experts, student representatives, and possibly faculty advisors. The Committee is tasked with organizing and overseeing the placement of first-aid kits in buses, laboratories, the library, and classrooms. Additionally, it establishes an on-campus medical emergency centre and ensures the availability of an ambulance for emergencies within the college premises.

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