About Us

AISAT Anthem

Creative Programs and Performances

AISAT actively cultivates a dynamic arts program encompassing visual arts, performing arts, and creative writing. This includes art exhibitions, theater productions, musical performances, poetry readings, and more. Students are encouraged to participate in and showcase their talents through various platforms, fostering a vibrant creative community on campus.

Cultural Events and Festivals

AISAT hosts a diverse array of cultural events and festivals that celebrate the richness of global traditions. This may include multicultural festivals, dance performances, and themed events that promote cross-cultural understanding and appreciation. These initiatives contribute to a more inclusive and culturally aware campus environment.

Power of Artistic Endeavors

“Embrace the canvas of diversity and the symphony of creativity.”

The heart and soul of cultural vibrancy on our college campus—the College Cultural Committee! We are a dynamic and passionate group dedicated to enriching the college experience by celebrating the diverse cultures, talents, and traditions that our students bring to our academic community.

Our Mission

The College Cultural Committee has a twofold mission:

  1. Cultural Celebration: We are committed to celebrating and showcasing the rich tapestry of cultures represented within our college. Through a variety of events and activities, we aim to foster a sense of unity and respect among our diverse student body.
  2. Talent Promotion: We are also champions of talent. We believe that every student has unique skills and abilities, and it’s our mission to provide a platform for them to shine. Whether it’s in the arts, music, dance, or any other creative pursuit, we encourage and showcase the incredible talent within our college community.

Welcome to a realm where creativity knows no bounds, and the vibrant tapestry of arts and culture unfolds! Within the hallowed halls of our educational institution, we celebrate the essence of expression, where imagination takes flight and artistic endeavors come to life. As you explore this virtual haven, envision a community that cherishes the transformative power of the arts, embracing diverse perspectives and weaving a rich tapestry of cultural experiences. Join us on this inspiring journey, where the pursuit of knowledge intertwines seamlessly with the beauty of creativity. Step into a world where every stroke of a brush, note of a melody, and the rhythm of movement contributes to the symphony of artistic discovery. Welcome to our cultural sanctuary!

Cultural Events & Celebrations

AISAT Alumni Association (AAA) initiated in June 2016 is a non-profit independent society formed for alumni of Albertian Institute of Science & Technology which aims to provide a platform through which the alumni, staff, faculty, and students of AISAT can interact with each other for mutual benefit. AAA facilitates and inspires alumni to contribute towards improvements in the status of AISAT in academics, infrastructure, and industry interactions.

AISAT Alumni Association (AAA) initiated in June 2016 is a non-profit independent society formed for alumni of Albertian Institute of Science & Technology which aims to provide a platform through which the alumni, staff, faculty, and students of AISAT can interact with each other for mutual benefit. AAA facilitates and inspires alumni to contribute towards improvements in the status of AISAT in academics, infrastructure, and industry interactions.

AISAT Alumni Association (AAA) initiated in June 2016 is a non-profit independent society formed for alumni of Albertian Institute of Science & Technology which aims to provide a platform through which the alumni, staff, faculty, and students of AISAT can interact with each other for mutual benefit. AAA facilitates and inspires alumni to contribute towards improvements in the status of AISAT in academics, infrastructure, and industry interactions.

AISAT Alumni Association (AAA) initiated in June 2016 is a non-profit independent society formed for alumni of Albertian Institute of Science & Technology which aims to provide a platform through which the alumni, staff, faculty, and students of AISAT can interact with each other for mutual benefit. AAA facilitates and inspires alumni to contribute towards improvements in the status of AISAT in academics, infrastructure, and industry interactions.

AISAT Alumni Association (AAA) initiated in June 2016 is a non-profit independent society formed for alumni of Albertian Institute of Science & Technology which aims to provide a platform through which the alumni, staff, faculty, and students of AISAT can interact with each other for mutual benefit. AAA facilitates and inspires alumni to contribute towards improvements in the status of AISAT in academics, infrastructure, and industry interactions.

AISAT Cultural Calendar